Welcome to Story Time!

My time on the (WCQ) Waterford Cultural Quarter Market

Here you will find my story and journey as an artist along with working the WCQ markets here in Irelands oldest city, Waterford.

Upcoming market days and where you can find me in person will be updated as they are confirmed.

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My time on the WCQ Market


As art has always been apart of me, I spend hours doodling away! When I found the WCQ market, I found myself with a platform to allow my creations to be seen and thus growing in every way. I started with a small A4 folder with about 20 pieces of art and a box of art supplies. Noticing I had not thought about display (and other things) hit me as I landed for my first day. I ran to get a sheet for my table and got to work setting up. Feeling underprepared, making myself vulnerable, with a front row seat for everyone as I tried to figure things out. I stuck with it and learnt quickly what I needed to do to make it work. How easy it was for me to find my groove thanks to Trevor and the other stall holders. I found myself adapting and changing with each market day and fell in love with every aspect of the market (except the RAIN!!!)